Frequently asked questions

Please find below a listed of frequently asked questions regarding the work of the Egypt Exploration Society. 

Please find below a listed of frequently asked questions regarding the work of the Egypt Exploration Society. 

We deal with hundreds of emails every week and are, unfortunately, not always able to respond to all enquiries. Please check if your question is answered below before contacting us.


Can I publish something from your publications or collections in my work?

If you plan to use the image in a presentation then there is no need to request permission, we just ask that you let people know where the image is from for their own notes. If you wish to disseminate the image in another format (i.e. books, article, website, exhibition, TV, etc.) then you would follow the instructions here. We do not charge for scholarly use, but you would need to demonstrate that it is not commercial in nature.

Do you have the book I need in your library?

We cannot respond to every enquiry we receive about our library collection. Our library catalogue is available online here. If the book is in our catalogue, then it should be on our open shelves and will not need to be requested in advance. Our library is open Monday-Wednesday, 10:30-16:30. EES Members, members of our partner institutions, and students receive free access, non-members can pay a £5-day rate for library access. Further details about visiting our library can be found here

Can I request library book/article scans?

The EES London library is free to use for EES members, members of partner organisations, and students. See our library information page for more details about library access. Scans of articles or short sections of books (up to 10% or one complete chapter, as per UK copyright laws) can be made while visiting.

If you, however, would like a scan of an article or short section of a book to be sent to you by the EES Librarian, there will be a digitisation fee of £25+VAT per item to be paid in advance of scanning (if you would like the item printed and posted, there will be additional postage fees). Please ensure that the requested items are in the EES library (consult the library catalogue here) before you email [email protected] with your scan request. You will then be sent an invoice to pay for your scan. 

I need to consult something in your archive, how do I do this?

Please visit our Archive page in order to submit a ‘material request form’. Appointments to see archive material should be booked at least three weeks in advance.

Can you help me locate an item in a museum?

Over our history we have conducted surveys and excavations at over 150 sites in Egypt and Sudan and published over 350 volumes relating to the results of this work. During this time, thousands of artefacts were distributed to museums around the world. You will find a lot more information in our Archive and in the museums themselves. You should also consult the Artefacts of Excavation website which includes digital versions of our distribution archive, or Scattered Finds by Dr Alice Stevenson (UCL). 


How do I find out about the events you are running?

Details of our events are available on our website here. We also promote them on our social media channels, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. You can also join out e-newsltter to recieve announcements and notifications straight to your inbox.

I'm trying to book an event using the membership discount, how do I do this?

You must already be an EES member for privileges such as event discounts. You can check your subscription status here or join the EES if you are not yet a member!

You must log in to your EES account using the email associated with your subscription in order to see exclusive membership discounts. Please click here to log in and try again by clicking "Book now" on the event page. Otherwise, please contact us to check your website log in is associated with your membership record. 

I have to cancel my event booking; can I get a refund?

We can offer refunds if you contact us to cancel your booking with reasonable notice in advance of the event and we are able to resell your place. Please check the specific event page for the exact notice period required. If a resale is not possible or you cancel too close to the event, then we cannot guarantee a refund.

Is your event available online?

We aim to host a variety of events available for online, hybrid and in-person attendance. Please check the location and venue advertised at the top of each event page to see what format the event will be provided, e.g. Online via Zoom for online or London and Cairo for in-person.

Some events are also made available as recordings on our Youtube Channel afterwards. If recordings are provided this is usually stated in bold within the event abstract. 

How do I watch the recording of an event?

All recordings of EES events are uploaded to the Past Event's webpage or our YouTube Channel within two working days of the live event. Public events will be made available to anyone here, but any recordings of paid or member-only events will be restricted. Please contact us if you have not receieved the direct link to any restricted recordings. 

Membership and Journals

How do I become a member of the EES?

You can follow the links available on our membership pages here. Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March, but we usually count any subscription payments after 1st January towards the next subscription year, so you can effectively get three months free!

Can I check if I need to renew my subscription?

Yes! Our website enables you to check your membership status on the My Subscriptions page under your account, where you can also see your membership type and number. You must be logged in to see this page.

If you are UK-based, you can set up a Direct Debit to automatically pay your subscription each year on 1st April. Add a payment method to create a recurring payment for stress-free membership renewals!

How do I renew my subscription?

You can follow the links available on our membership pages here. Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March and you will be asked to renew during March, regardless of when you join in the year. If you joined after 1st January, then we usually count this toward the next subscription year, effectively giving you three months free!

If you are UK-based, you can set up a Direct Debit to automatically pay your subscription each year on 1st April. Add a payment method to create a recurring payment for stress-free membership renewals!

When will I recieve my membership magazine?

Egyptian Archaeology is our full-colour, biannual magazine sent to members as part of their subscription. The magazine reports on current excavations, surveys and research in Egypt, showcasing the work of the EES as well as of other missions and researchers. New members recieve a free issue of the latest Egyptian Archaeology magazine soon after they join us. Otherwise, members should recieve two copies of the magazine per year, in March and October. Please bear in mind that international delivery can lead to later dates of arrival. Please contact us if you believe you are missing an issue. 

Do members receive the JEA?

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA) is a leading international journal for the publication of Egyptological research. The Journal publishes scholarly articles, fieldwork reports, and reviews of Egyptological books. JEA is available to EES members at a heavily discounted rate when purchased as an add-on to their subscription, where you can choose to have a print copy and/or online access.

I purchased the JEA-combo with my membership but haven't received my copy, when is it published?

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology is published in the December of each year, so members are mailed their subscription volume to be delivered for the new year. Please note that international delivery and customs checks may cause delays to receiving your copy. Please contact us if you have not receieved your copy by spring of the year after you purchased your membership.

I added JEA-online to my membership subscription; how do I access this?

We will send your contact details to our partners at SAGE. They will then contact you with log in details and information about accessing the JEA back catalogue online. This can take a few weeks to process. If you require any articles in the meantime, then send an email to [email protected] requesting the article you need including your membership number, the year of publication, article title and author, and page range (if known). We can send you a pdf while you wait for your access to be arranged.

Can I purchase a back issue of JEA from you?

No, if you are interested in a past volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology in print, then you must contact our publisher Sage. Please find their details here

However, if you would like online access, then you can purchase this as an add-on with your EES membership to access the entire back catalogue of the JEA online and download previous articles. Join now and select JEA-online for this memebrship privilege.

I joined late in the year; do I really have to renew on 1st April?

Yes, our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March and you will be asked to renew during March, regardless of when you join in the year. If you joined after 1st January, then we usually count this toward the next subscription year, effectively giving you three months free!

I'd like to take out a membership subscription for my institution, how can I do that?

We do not handle institutional membership at the EES. These subscriptions are dealt with by our partners at Sage for the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. If you wish to purchase the Egyptian Archaeology magazine, then individual copies can be purchased from our online shop. Please do not email us to order volumes as we are unable to process orders this way. All orders should be placed through our website, or those of our partners.


I have a question about my research, who can I contact?

We have very limited capacity to perform research on your behalf. If we receive a research request, then we will not ordinarily respond. If you have a query specifically about our collections, we may be able to answer dependant on current capacity. Enquiries that take up to 15 minutes are answered free of charge. Further research is charged at £30+VAT per hour (maximum of 2 hours due to staff capacity). Payment is required in advance (in pounds sterling via credit/debit card).

If you are a member then we would recommend that you visit our library to consult published works or visit our archive for queries ragarding EES excavations or collections. Otherwise, you may consider attending one of our events or those of our Local Society partners to consult with their members and speakers.

Can I work on one of your archaeological projects?

The Society does not determine the team members of projects that it supports, this is up to the Project Director. You might consider approaching them directly. You will find a list of supported projects and their directors here.

How can I apply for training and education opportunities by the EES?

Education and training is a crucial element of the Society's work. Therefore, we offer a series of skill-building activities online and in both our Cairo and London offices intended to provide the necessary skills for students and early career researchers working in Egyptology and related fields. 

Check our website for when these opportunities become available, or sign up to our newsletter to recieve announcements straight to your inbox. Each skill-building activity will have different eligibiliy and requirements, so please read the advertisement carefully. 

How can I apply for funding and support from the EES?

Since our founding, the Egypt Exploration Society have coordinated and facilitated research projects across the northern Nile valley. Today, we take people-centred approaches to heritage research whether projects focus on fieldwork, or desk-based study in museums and archives around the world. During certain times of the year, we offer funding opportunities for these types of projects. 

Check our website for when these opportunities become available, or sign up to our newsletter to recieve announcements straight to your inbox. Each skill-building activity will have different eligibiliy and requirements, so please read the advertisement carefully. 

We also have our EES-affiliate programme, which is intended to support Egyptological research projects by providing this network as well as access to logistical services, funding, promotion, and publishing opportunities.


I cannot select additional items on your web shop, what should I do?

There is a basket limit for orders we can process through our website due to weight limits of packages. If you would like additional copies, please contact us for a quote. 


I can't log in to the website or my password is not working, how do I access my EES account?

If you have not logged in since before the website relaunched in November 2023, you'll need to reset your password to access exclusive content or member rates on this site. Please select the "Forgot password?" link on the log in page and set your password. You may use the same password you had on our previous site if you'd like.