The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

The leading international journal for Egyptological research since 1914. Available to Society members as a subscription volume.

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The JEA is a leading international journal for the publication of Egyptological research. The Journal publishes scholarly articles (main articles and brief communications), fieldwork reports, and reviews of Egyptological books. It comes out annually in the winter.

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If you would like to submit an article for inclusion in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology then you can read more about our submission guidelines here or visit Sage Track:

Mentoring for Egyptian and Sudanese Authors (MESA)

MESA is intended to support authors who submit papers to JEA which peer reviewers identify as promising a valuable contribution to scholarly debate, while also needing substantial input in terms of scientific rigour, academic writing, or related aspects.

Editorial board


Eva Lange-Athinodorou
Akademische Oberrätin,
Universität Würzburg

Managing Editor:

Stephanie Boonstra
Egypt Exploration Society

Contact: [email protected]

Editorial Board:

Mamdouh Eldamaty, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Elizabeth Frood, University of Oxford, UK
Fredrik Hagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Salima Ikram, American University Cairo, Egypt
Dimitri Laboury, Université Liège, Belgium
Cary Martin, University College London, UK
Rune Nyord, Emory University, USA
Ilona Regulski, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Berlin, Germany
Anna Stevens, Monash University, Australia

Current issue: JEA 110




Barry John Kemp 1940–2024
Kate Spence

Ross Iain Thomas 1978–2022
Greg Woolf

Fieldwork Reports

Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2023 to Summer 2024
Anna Stevens, Fabien Balestra, Delphine Driaux, Gretchen R. Dabbs, Paul Docherty, Stephanie L. Boonstra, Gemma Tully, Jolanda E. M. F. Bos, Tracy Lakin, Valentina Gasperini, Pamela Rose, Miriam Bertram


Early Dynastic Votives as Source for Late Middle Kingdom Iconography: An Archaeological Discovery at the Time of the Pharaohs?
Gianluca Miniaci

The Holy Horizon: The Early 18th Dynasty Royal Necropolis at Deir el-Bahari
Andrzej Niwinski

The Sociology of Tomb and Temple Robbers of the Late 20th Dynasty: Part II, The Bands of Thieves and the Ramesside Society
Jean-Christophe Antoine

Horus Behdety, a Royal Wife, and a Royal Daughter from the Private Necropolis of Kom el-Khamaseen (South Saqqara)
Daniel González León, Josep Cervelló Autuori

An Unpublished Egyptian Coffin of the Third Intermediate Period in the Antiquities Museum of Triste
Susanna Moser

The Statue of Minnakht, the God's Father of Mut in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (CG 624 - JE 27585)
Dina El Gabry

Rock-Cut Tomb GE 89 Recently Excavated at Giza
Eleonora Kormysheva

Preliminary Report on the Salvage Excavation in the Egyptian Section at the National Museum of Rio De Janeiro
Pedro Luiz Diniz Von Seehausen, Tamires Machado, Marina Buffa César, Ana Luiza Castro Amaral, Murilo Quintans Ribeiro Bastos, Claudia Rodrigues-Carvalho

The Foundation of Pi-Ramesse: Strengthening the Rule of the 19th Dynasty and Displaying Egypt to the Outside World
Henning Franzmeier

An Assemblage of Ceramic Figurines from the Site of Tell Nabasha
Nicky Nielsen, Christopher Bebbington

Two Coptic Inscriptions on Mural Paintings at the Coptic Museum
Muhammady Fathy

Who is Afraid of...? A Spell Against the Evil Eye (pBM EA10563)
Susanne Beck

The Goat-Fish of El-Hosh: An Unusual Petroglyph Identified
Linda Evans, Fred Hardtke, Wouter Claes

Choice Cuts for Khakaura: New Kingdom Captions in the North Chapel of Senwosret III, Dahshur
Hana Navratilova

A Transforming Ontology of Boundaries? What is and What Is Not in the Early Middle Kingdom
Anna-Latifa Mourad

The Downturn of Egypt's Eastern Desert in the Middle Roman Imperial Period
Brandon McDonald

Pliny's Marmor Augusteum and the Eastern Desert of Egypt
J. Clayton Fant

Short Communications

The Instruction of a Man for His Son in Finland (O. SES 23)
Thomas Christiansen, Kaisa Autere, Miriam Bueno Guardia, Erja Salmenkivi, Hanna Sola, Lena Tambs, Melanie Wasmuth

Painting a (Watercolour) Picture of Flinders Petrie's Fieldwork at Meidum
Benjamin Hinson

The 'Great Barque' Near the Pyramids: Autobiographical Phrases in Context
Nicole Kloth

Review Articles

No More Heroes: What is the History of Egyptology Actually For? 
Review of: Walking Among Pharaohs: George Reisner and the Dawn of Modern Egyptology. By Peter Der Manuelian .
William Carruthers

Paul's Journey to Heaven, Hell and Back
Review of: The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary. By Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Jacques van der Vliet, with an appendix by Jos van Lent. 
Matthias Müller