Graeco-Roman Memoirs 108 is available
The long-awaited GRM volume has now arrived, and subscribers to the Society’s Graeco-Roman Memoirs will shortly be receiving volume 108 (Oxyrhynchus Papyri Volume LXXXVII).

One exceptional papyrus is a previously unpublished, early copy of sayings of Jesus corresponding in part to the canonical gospels of Matthew and Luke and in part to the apocryphal gospel of Thomas (5575, seen above). Learn more about this fragment in a recent article on the Daily Beast by Candida Moss here.
The most extensive literary item is a collection of short biographies of eminent Romans, written a century earlier than Plutarch (5584). The documentary section illustrates social and economic realities of late antique estates, mostly that of the Apions; there is new evidence on the handling of wine distributions and the pricing of equipment and materials.
Overall, this volume includes editions of 58 papyri and one text on parchment. Each text is accompanied by comprehensive English translations and detailed commentary.