The Egypt Exploration Society operates from two offices. Our main office is in London and is where our publications and financial activities operate from, as well as where we store our library and archive. The London office has four members of staff running our core activities. We have a second office in Cairo within the British Council in Agouza. Our education and training programme in Egypt are run from this office, as well as forming a hub for our archaeological work in Egypt.
Details of our staff members and their roles can be found below, while details of how to find us can be found here.

Charlotte Jordan
Charlotte joined the EES as Engagement Manager in May 2021. Her primary duties include membership administration, events organisation, running social media platforms, website content management, general correspondence, and supporting EES fundraising. Additionally, she is the Egyptian Archaeology magazine Editor and liaises with authors, advertisers, printers, distributors, and the Editorial Advisory Board. Charlotte is a firm believer that personable experiences of cultural heritage can unlock a lifelong enthusiasm in people, especially for the exciting field of Egyptology!
Charlotte studied an Egyptology BA and MA at the University of Liverpool, graduating with her Master’s degree in December 2018. Her research focused upon Middle Kingdom Administration, Economy and Regionalism, and utilising GIS to understand past motivations of elite tomb construction. During her MA studies, she found her passion for public engagement, which she developed further whilst President of the Society of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE). Previously, Charlotte has participated in several EES-led courses, including the annual Egyptian Archaeology Skills School. Since then, she has been inspired by the EES mission to promote Egyptian cultural heritage. Charlotte spent two months excavating at an early Neolithic site in Turkey: Boncuklu.
For membership and event enquiries, please contact [email protected].
For Egyptian Archaeology enquiries, please contact [email protected].

Dr Carl Graves
Carl started working for the Egypt Exploration Society in 2013 when he was appointed Education and Public Engagement Manager, to organise the Society’s educational and engagement programmes, fundraising, and communications. Until 2018, Carl also oversaw the Society’s collections and their accompanying volunteering and intern projects. In 2014 he assisted staff and interns with the implementation of an online catalogue as well as the retrospective referencing of the Lucy Gura Archive. Together with Kelly Accetta, Carl organised the first Egyptian Archaeology Skills School in 2014 which has run annually since, other than a two hiatus year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2018, Carl was instrumental in resurrecting the British Egyptology Congress at the KNH Centre, University of Manchester.
As Director, Carl is also now responsible for managing the Society's day-to-day operations in its London and Cairo Offices and works closely with Board, Committees, volunteers, and staff to deliver the Society’s charitable activities, research, and publications programme.
Carl has previously worked at Elephantine (DAI, 2010) and the Third Cataract Project (EES, 2019), and in 2018 he also achieved a certificate in fundraising from the Institute of Fundraising (UK).
Carl completed his PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2017 on the topic of cultural landscapes of the Nile Valley during the Middle Kingdom with a particular focus on the region around Beni Hasan (the Oryx Nome, 16th Upper Egyptian). He also holds a BA in Ancient History and MPhil(B) in Egyptology also from the University of Birmingham. During his studies, Carl was also the Postgraduate Curator of the Eton College William Joseph Myers Collection of Egyptian Art and a co-founded Birmingham Egyptology in 2011. Carl has previously taught courses on collection management, exhibition design, travellers and collectors, orientalism, Egyptian materials and manufacturing, and Egyptian-Nubian intercultural communications.
Carl presents regularly about the EES and his own research at local societies around the UK and has provided educational workshops in Cairo, Alexandria, and London.

Dr Edward Scrivens
Edward joined the Egypt Exploration Society in May 2022. His role is to support the Society’s activities, collections, and future development by working with Trusts and Foundations who can help the EES realise its mission of supporting and widening access to Egyptian cultural heritage.
Edward received his PhD from The Queen’s College, University of Oxford, where he held the Barns Studentship in Egyptology. His doctoral research examined the gendered representation of goddesses in tombs and temples of the late New Kingdom, and his ongoing projects explore aspects of gender and religion in ancient Egypt. He has published on topics of ancient Egyptian material culture and literature, is currently co-editing and co-authoring a volume for Liverpool University Press, contributes to the EES' publications prrogramme. Prior to joining the EES he lectured as Tutor in Egyptology at Swansea University; he continues his teaching via the EES’ programme of online courses.
Edward maintains an active record of outreach and engagement work. Outside of Egyptology, he has performed as a comedian across the UK and internationally.

Dr Essam Nagy
Essam started working for the Egypt Exploration Society in 2013 when he was appointed Fieldwork and Engagement Manager in Egypt. In this role, he liaises with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and other institutions in Egypt on behalf of the Society and manages the day-to-day running of the Society’s Cairo Office.
Essam has experience of archaeological work across Egypt, including Karnak, Dendera, Qurna, Giza, Damietta, and Aswan. His professional training includes photography, archaeological surveying, excavation, epigraphy, illustration, and cultural heritage management and preservation.
Essam completed his PhD at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), Munich, Germany in 2024, where his research focused on the cult of Osiris at Karnak during the Late Period with a particular focus on the Chapel of Osiris-Ptah Neb-ankh. He holds an MA from Cairo University, a special diploma in African History from Cairo University, and a BA from South Valley University.
Since 2010, Essam has directed work at the Osiris-Ptah Neb-ankh Research Project (OPNARP) at Karnak.

Dr Stephanie Boonstra
Stephanie manages the Society’s library, archive, papyrus and cartonnage collections, which includes overseeing cataloguing, new acquisitions, volunteer projects, and researchers accessing the collections. During her Master’s degree at UCL (2013-14), she was an EES archive volunteer and contributed towards the Access Archives Afternoons (also called Friday Spotlights). She is currently a member of the Amarna Project excavation team researching the Great Aten Temple faience inlays. She was previously a member of the EES excavation team at Merimde Beni Salama in the Nile Delta and worked on the EES Third Cataract Project in Sudan in 2019.
Since 2018, Stephanie is also the Managing Editor of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology and liaises with editors, publishers, peer reviewers, and authors as well as copy edits the submissions for publication.
Stephanie completed her PhD at the University of Birmingham focusing on the production of 18th Dynasty scarab amulets in 2019. She also holds an MA in Egyptian Archaeology from UCL, where her research focus was on the SIP scarabs of Tell el-'Ajjul. She previously received a BA in Near Eastern and Classical Archaeology from Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Canada), where she worked as an excavation supervisor on the Khirbat al-Mudayna, Wadi ath-Thamad excavation project in Jordan. Prior to commencing work at the EES, she worked as the Postgraduate Curator of the Eton College William Joseph Myers Collection of Egyptian Art at the University of Birmingham where she also taught undergraduate courses and assisted in collection and exhibition training. More recently she was employed as the Museum Curator of Egyptology at New Walk Museum in Leicester (now Leicester Museum and Art Gallery) where she curated, designed, and installed the new Life and Death in Ancient Egypt permanent galleries.
For archive enquiries, contact [email protected]
For library enquires, contact [email protected]
For JEA enquiries, contact [email protected]

Julia Thorne
Julia joined the EES in April 2023 as Publications Manager, although not as an EES newbie, having been typesetting books for the Society on a freelance basis for more than a decade. Her responsibilities include managing the scheduling and publication of EES monographs, and working on resurrecting the Society’s back catalogue of publications for the digitally run 21st century. Julia has a particular passion for creating publications that are accessible for readers through good, clean, purposeful design and a choice of publishing formats.
Julia fell head-over-heels for ancient Egypt after a childhood visit to the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Dorchester, Dorset; a love which culminated in her moving from her hometown to study Egyptology at the University of Liverpool. She decided to make Liverpool her new home after graduation and has been settled in the city for more than two decades.
Since 2016, Julia has been photographing ancient Egyptian artefacts and documenting life in and around museums and the heritage we see around us every day; you might know her by her moniker Tetisheri. She has been working with institutions around northwest England, and her photography has been featured in several exhibitions, including the Garstang Museum of Archaeology’s Book of the Dead: Passport through the Underworld, and Before Egypt, and Manchester Museum’s Golden Mummies of Egypt. Outside of her EES hours, she continues to work on photographic projects, including Tiny Egypt, which explores artefacts from Egypt with a macro lens to showcase details and pieces hard to see with the naked eye.

Neville Leslie