Support our Campaign
We need your help to make our plans for transforming the EES premises into a reality. Early leadership gifts offer the additional support of not only securing the transformation, but the Campaign itself.
We aim to raise up to £3.5million over the next few years. While much of this is expected to be raised from grants, we know that our supporters want to opportunity to contribute too.
You can support the Campaign in many ways, from raising awareness of it through interested networks, to making a generous contribution yourself. As the Campaign proceeds, we will add further ways in which you can support the plans. For example, our latest opportunity is our Friends of Amelia B Edwards.
If you’d like to read more about our Friends of Amelia B Edwards group, then click here.
Don’t forget, supporters in the US may prefer to make a tax efficient gift via the BSUF - Read more here.
If you would like to talk to someone about supporting the Campaign, then please contact Dr Ed Scrivens (EES Development Manager) or Dr Carl Graves (EES Director) by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 7242 1880.
Thank you for your consideration. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and will support our plans.
Your donations will be managed in the Society’s ‘Capital Campaign Fund’ which is restricted for use solely in the maintenance and redevelopment of the Society’s premises. If more funds are raised than required, then the Society will use them to support the charitable purposes of the EES. If the campaign does not achieve its target in the allocated time, then the funds generated at that point will be held in a Development Fund and used to support the future of the Society which could include a phased approach for the redevelopment.