Egyptian Archaeology 60

Recent research and fieldwork, spring 2022.
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Egyptian Archaeology is the EES full-colour magazine, reporting on current excavations, surveys and research in Egypt and Sudan, showcasing the work of the EES as well as of other missions and researchers.

Spring 2022


Tutankhamun's Journey to the Grand Egyptian Museum, Mona Nouman

Working in the Suburbs of Amarna, Anna Hodgkinson

Excavation of a Town House, Bianca Badalucco

Mud Figurines at Lahun, Gianluca Miniaci, Vanessa Forte, Wolfram Grajetzki and Camilla Saler

Digging Diary 2022, Archaeological work undertaken in Egypt and Sudan since Autumn 2021

Egyptology during Covid, Overview of how Egyptology adapted throughout the Global Pandemic

Casting Light over Graffiti in the Chapel of Mehu at Saqqara, Julia Hamilton

Figures that Matter: Graffiti of the Isis Temple at Philae, Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin, Jitse Dijkstra, Nicholas Hedley and Sabrina Higgins

The Re-Discovered Tomb of Usermontu, Sayed Mamdouh Soliman

Latest Discoveries at Saqqara by Cairo University, Ola El Aguizy


Andrew Bednarski, Aidan Dodson, and Salima Ikram, A History of World Egyptology
Apollinaire Lebas, The Luxor Obelisk and its Voyage to Paris
Chris Naunton and Guilherme Karsten, King Tutankhamun Tells All!

Puzzle Page, Wordsearch and Cartoon by Joseph Lee, 'London Laughs' Series, 1938