01 Jul 2024

2024: Future plans for future generations

Help us to make our Building the Future campaign a tool to support the next generation.

Thank you for smashing our target this year!

Our amazingly generous supporters helped us raise more than £10,000 for our annual appeal this year. If you'd like to contribute toward our Education & Training Fund, then you can still make a donation today.

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As we begin preparing for the future redevelopment of our London premises, we want to ensure that we’re using every opportunity to support the next generation of scholars. We want to run a series of internships in our collections to help us manage their packing and relocation. By doing this with a bigger team, we can ensure that much of our collection is made available during the redevelopment both online and via recall from off-site storage.

We need your help to accomplish this. This mammoth task cannot be completed by our current team alone, so we want to give early career scholars the opportunity to gain on-the-job training and skills as well as the chance to play an essential role in our future plans. 


Elizabeth Owen and Yu Zhuang, two EES interns supported by a generous donation from EES member Peter Phillips, scanned more than 3,000 object record cards from the Saqqara Sacred Animal Necropolis in 2023. They recorded their experience in an online blog post and video here.

We need to raise £10,000 in 2024, which could sponsor 5 interns (3 days per week for one month). This would include a grant to each intern, alongside equipment and training provided by our Collections Manager, who will be monitoring the project. We hope to begin this essential work in 2025-26 before redevelopment can begin.

Those generously donating £100 or more toward the Appeal will receive exclusive invitations to our Intern ‘meet & greet’ online sessions where the interns will answer questions about the items they have worked on and tell us more about their experience of working with the EES collections. This might be the last chance to see some of our collections before they are packaged and sent off-site during the redevelopment.

Please help us to lay the foundations for future access to our collections.

Share this appeal on social media using #EESInterns.

Support our Annual Appeal Online

By contributing to the Egypt Exploration Society, you will be helping to ensure the next generation of scholars can benefit from the redevelopment of the EES whilst they facilitate access to our collections during this time. We depend on your generosity, and donations of any size are gratefully received, but generous contributors giving over £100 will recieve exclusive event invitations. Thank you.

Please select your preferred cause, then a pre-defined amount or type your desired donation in the 'Surprise us' box.


Donate and take a US income tax deduction

Donate by credit card

You can set up a one-time or recurring donation through Network for Good. You should specify the Egypt Exploration Society as the Approved Institution to benefit from your gift and note your donation to be dedicated to the Education and Training Fund.

Donate by check

Write your check in US dollars to the order of the British Schools & Universities Foundation. You should specify the Egypt Exploration Society and Collections Fund in your transmittal letter, not on your check.

Prefer to donate offline?

That's not a problem. Just complete the form available below and return it to our London Office (The Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London, WC1N 2PG) and we will process that for you. Thank you for your kind consideration. 

Thank you for your interest in helping us. Funds generated will be kept in the Society’s restricted Education and Training Fund which is used to provide skills to the next generation of scholars. If the funds raised exceed those required, then these funds will continue to be restricted in that Fund. If funds raised are below those required, then they will be put into the Education and Training Fund and used where needed in other areas to provide the next generation with the tools to protect and promote Egyptian heritage.

This Appeal will run until the end of 2024.

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