A busy spring already!
As always, Spring is proving to be the busiest time of the year for the EES - we can't quite believe it's still only January here!
We have our first team back in the field, in Luxor, and several teams preparing to go out to Egypt shortly (see below for more info).
We're also looking forward to the new volume of Egyptian Archaeology (you can read more about it here), a new Greco-Roman Memoirs volume (GRM 99), and the imminent arrival of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 98 - for those of you who subscribe to these publications, you can look forward to them landing on your doorsteps over the next few weeks and months. Don't forget that membership renewal season is nearly upon us - you can always add on a GRM or JEA or JSTOR subscription to your 2013-14 membership!
We've also kicked off our new season of events, with Dr Richard Bussmann's sell-out London Lecture on Hierakonpolis, with many more brilliant events to come in the next couple of months - including two brand new Evening Classes - still one or two places available on both - see here and here for more details.
All of this makes spring an exciting, if hectic, time of year!
As mentioned, the EES Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Project team are back in the field in Luxor, and are reporting on their work via their blog. They've already posted some brilliant pictures, but here are a couple of our favourites so far:

Setting up the base station on the Malkata mounds

The team are the first to make use of the new Gouge Auger kit - thanks to the generosity of those who donated to the Amelia Edwards Project Appeal
In the next few weeks, expect updates from the EES Minufiyeh Survey team (the team led by Prof. Joanne Rowland), the EES/MSA/Gottingen team at Tell Basta, and of course the indefatigable EES Delta Survey. We'll keep you posted as they arrive in Egypt and start work.