A new look for Egyptian Archaeology

A quarter century, that’s how long Egyptian Archaeology has been around, the first issue appearing in summer 1991! Back then, it only ran to 32 pages and was still partly in black and white. It was launched as a complement to the Society’s Newsletter in order to present EES and other fieldwork and research in Egypt in an attractive, easy-to-read and well-illustrated format. No doubt it has fulfilled that function well over the years, yet when the Society recently decided to overhaul its visual identity – shiny new logo and all – we felt it was the opportunity to have a fresh look at EA too. Twenty-five years is a long time in publishing, magazine layout has moved on quite a bit since then, so we wanted to recharge its looks, tie it in better with the EES brand and make it more of a flagship for the Society’s mission. Working with a design agency, throwing in (and out!) a lot of ideas, we made our way through a number of revisions and permutations – finally arriving at the brand spanking new magazine members will find in their letterbox in a week or two.
We’re very happy with the result, as we feel the new layout looks clean, spacious and contemporary, providing an even better showcase for the work done in Egypt by the Society as well as others.
We hope you’ll like the new EA as much we do!