Archive Appeal 2018
The Lucy Gura Archive of the Egypt Exploration Society contains thousands of glass-plate negatives documenting the very earliest years of British archaeology in Egypt. From Petrie’s earliest work in the cemeteries of Abydos through to the excavations of the sacred Buchis bull catacombs in the Bucheum at Armant (ancient Hermonthis), they preserve some of the most significant sites from Egypt’s Pharaonic past.
Click here to view some of our archival images online
In 2008 all of the glass-plate negative collections were cleaned and digitised, and in 2012–13 many of these plates were subsequently rehoused in archive-standard boxes. However, some 5000 were never rehoused and are at risk of irreparable damage during the forthcoming premises relocation. In order to preserve the negatives for future generations of researchers, they must be rehoused before the move.
Our 2018 Archive Appeal was launched on 21st July at our annual Current British Archaeology in Egypt and Sudan event. By the end of the event we already had over £2000 pledged from attendees and were delighted to receive a positive response from our social media supporters too.
Funds are required to employ a professional conservator and to train a team of assistants to help in this project as well as for the necessary materials. Any remaining funds will be used to rehouse the collections in our new premises.
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will help us to achieve our goal. Contributions of £500 or more will be recognized in our annual Impact Report and a personal gift from our Director thanking you for your generosity.