Cultivating Confidence in Egyptian Archaeology!
From 10th-14th July 2023, the Egypt Exploration Society delivered the sixth Egyptian Archaeology Skills School. Nine early career scholars completed the EASS, including our outstanding volunteer, former EES Intern Elizabeth Owen. The School covered several essential topics within Egyptian archaeology, including survey, Geographic Information System (GIS), excavation techniques and recording, pottery drawing and recording, and cultural heritage management.

Dr Sarah Doherty teaching the scholars how to sort pottery sherds.
The School syllabus consisted of a balance between theoretical training and practical exercises delivered by our specialist tutors: Carl Graves (EES Director), Penenlope Wilson (Durham University / EES Delta Survey), Liz Jones (University College London), Hannah Pethen (University of Liverpool), Manuela Lehman (University of Tuebingen), Sarah Doherty (University of Oxford and Chronicle Heritage), Anna Garnett (Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology) and Sara Perry (Museum of London Archaeology).

Dr Manuela Lehman assisting the scholars in excavation recording techniques.
Overall feedback from the School indicated that the attendees felt that their skills and confidence in Egyptian archaeology increased by more than 100% over the course of the week. One participant commented that “the field school was so thorough and helpful - my confidence has improved quite a lot and I think I made some amazing connections”. In particular, the cohort improved most within the topic of survey work, reporting an average of over 150% improvement in their skills and over 200% increase in confidence! Many have asked for further courses on specific subjects such as small finds drawing, object photography and cultural heritage management, as well as sessions based in different regions of the UK, which we will look into providing over the following months.

Dr Liz Jones demonstrating how to set up a total station for archaeological survey.
The Egyptian Archaeology Skills School is only possible thanks to the generous support of our international membership and your donations to support our work to provide education and training through a series of skill building activities for the next generation of scholars. Please consider supporting our cause today by joining our community or making a donation.

The nine early career scholars attending the 2023 Egyptian Archaeology Skills School:
Volunteer: Elizabeth Owen (University College London, former EES Intern)
Charlotte Buchan (University College London / Sir John Soane's Museum)
Henry Bohun (University of Wales Trinity St David, Lampeter Campus)
Amanda Ford Spora (University College London / EES Patron Awardee)
Olivia Husøy-Ciaccia (University of Bristol / Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust)
Esther McGoldrick (University of Liverpool)
Sonia Prakash (University of Manchester, EES and Manchester Museum Volunteer)
Christopher Rea (University of Wales Trinity St David, Lampeter Campus - not pictured above)
Elanor Straw (University College London / National Trust / EES Volunteer)