English Language Courses 2018

2017 English language training students in the EES Cairo Office in the British Council
As advertised in November 2017, the Egypt Exploration Society is delighted to provide the following Egyptian archaeologists and Egyptologists with English language training thanks to the generosity of the British Council, Egypt.
Ahmed Mounir, Ministry of Antiquities
Amany Korany Sayed Abdel-Naby, Curator at Museums Sector (Ministry of Antiquities)
Asmaa Sayed Ali Morsy Elsayegh, Children?s Civilization and Creativity Centre
Aya Ismail Elsayed Mohamed, Sohag area inspectorat (Ministry of Antiquities)
Lamiaa Adel Ezzat
Osama Basiony Eldamnhoury, Ministry of Antiquities
Rasha Ahmed Mohamed, Ministry of Antiquities
Shimaa Zoheer Mosa Mahmoud Eid, Ministry of Antiquities
Yasser Farouk Hussein, Ministry of Antiquities
Mohamed Abd el-Badia, Ministry of Antiquities
We wish they all the best in the course which will begin in March 2018. They were chosen from over 180 applicants which we received for just 10 places on offer. Education and training is an essential part of what we continue to offer in Egypt and these figures continue to demonstrate the level of demand for these activities. If you would like to support further education and training for Egyptian archaeologists then consider donating towards our work or joining as a member here.