14 Aug 2024

Thank you! We surpassed our goal

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise enough money to support five interns working with our collections.

Steph and Zipporah looking at archive.png

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to your generosity, our Annual Appeal, 2024: Future plans for future generations, has been a huge success! In under just one month, our supporters raised more than the full target amount for the Appeal. We are especially grateful to one member who, very generously, match-funded the appeal to £5,000! This means we will be able to recruit five interns to help us manage the packing and relocation of our collections in preparation for the future transformation of our London premises

Thank you for smashing our target this year!

Our amazingly generous supporters helped us raise more than £10,000 for our annual appeal this year. If you'd like to contribute toward our Education & Training Fund, then you can still make a donation today.

Donate now

If you have not yet donated but would still like to help us provide early career scholars with opportunities to gain on-the-job training and skills then there is still time. You can make donations online or by contacting our team at the London office.

Support our Annual Appeal Online

By contributing to the Egypt Exploration Society, you will be helping to ensure the next generation of scholars can benefit from the redevelopment of the EES whilst they facilitate access to our collections during this time. We depend on your generosity, and donations of any size are gratefully received, but generous contributors giving over £100 will recieve exclusive event invitations. Thank you.

Please select your preferred cause, then a pre-defined amount or type your desired donation in the 'Surprise us' box.



Those donating more than £100 will be invited to exclusive online sessions with our interns who will talk about the collections they are working with. This might be the last chance to see the collections before they are packed up and sent off-site during the transformation of Doughty Mews.  

We will be providing updates about the progress of our Building the Future campaign and the necessary relocation of our collections via our website and social media channels. If you want to be the first to find out more or receive our open call for interns, sign up for our newsletter below. 

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