Annual General Meeting 2024
Annual General Meeting 2024

Read the 2023 AGM Minutes and 2023-24 Annual Report and Financial Statements here.
Trustee recommendations for the Annual General Meeting
At the AGM on 30th November 2024, Sue Preston will retire having served 7 years (one term) and is therefore not eligible for re-election. Jenny Chong, Lizzie Glithero-West, and James Potts will retire by rotation and stand for re-election. Dr Omniya Abdel Barr resigned during the year. The Board has decided to extend Dr Campbell Price’s term of office for a final year under Article 37A in order to maintain continuity on current projects and to provide an adequate hand-over to an incoming Chair. The Board recommend Dr Leire Olabarria and Dr Tobias Stone to fill two vacancies arising.
Short biographies of the proposed new Trustees are set out below.
To receive your ticket to attend the virtual AGM please book online. Please note that you must be a current member of the Egypt Exploration Society to attend the virtual AGM. Online voting will be possible during the meeting and proxy forms for those unable to attend live will be made available electronically after 21st September 2024. These must be completed in full and sent electronically to [email protected] or by mail (to: The Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London, WC1N 2PG) and received by 16:00 on Thursday 28th November 2024.
If you have any questions that you would like to raise at the AGM, then please email them to [email protected] in advance.
The Board’s recommendations for Trustees

Dr Leire Olabarria
Dr Leire Olabarria holds a DPhil in Egyptology from the University of Oxford. She is Associate Professor in Egyptology at the University of Birmingham, where she delivers courses on the archaeology, history, and language of ancient Egypt. She is a committed teacher who tries to instil in her students a passion for the archaeological and cultural heritage of Egypt and Sudan. Her main research deals with kinship and the way it is expressed on the monumental record of the Middle Kingdom, a topic that she explored further in her 2020 monograph ‘Kinship and family in ancient Egypt: archaeology and anthropology in dialogue’. Leire is also interested in the construction of Egyptological knowledge and its colonial roots, as well as in the reception and popular perceptions of ancient Egypt. As a field archaeologist, she has worked for the Dayr al-Barsha Project (KU Leuven) in Middle Egypt. She is delighted to join the EES to contribute actively to its goals of promotion and preservation of Egyptian and Sudanese heritage.

Dr Tobias Stone
Dr Tobias Stone is a technology entrepreneur and policy advisor. He is an Hon. Research Fellow at the Institute for Security Science and Technology at Imperial College London with a PhD in Sociology and Innovation. Toby specialises in strategy, business development, machine learning, and insurance. His current business uses AI to help improve the insurance of heritage and art. He set up and ran the Chartamede Foundation, an economic development NGO that worked with the Soros Foundation and British Council in the Western Balkans, and has lived in Tallinn and Berlin. Prior to his career, Toby spent the 1990s studying and practicing archaeology and Egyptology. His digs ranged from the rescue excavation of a Mesolithic fishing site in Portugal to diving over shipwrecks in the harbour at Dor, in Israel. He first studied Middle Egyptian at UCL with Prof Harry Smith, and then at Oxford with Prof Mark Collier.
The Board's nominees for re-election

Jenny Chong
Jenny Chong has 25 years of experience in technology, big data and AI. She was formerly the Global Head of eCommunications Surveillance at Credit Suisse in London. She now sits as a non-executive director on various boards and committees for Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Orthopaedic Research UK, The Design Museum and Imperial College London. She is also an advisor to various social impact startups. Jenny has a keen passion for archaeology, Egyptology and Islamic art which she has cultivated through her membership of the Egypt Exploration Society. She has been co-opted to the EES Finance Committee since 2020 and looks forward to contributing her skills in technology and management to the Board of Trustees.

Lizzie Glithero-West FSA
Lizzie Glithero-West FSA has been the Chief Executive of The Heritage Alliance since 2016. Her previous career has been mainly in the civil service and she has expert knowledge of a wide range of policy areas including archaeology, heritage protection, museums, and tourism.
Lizzie has also spent time as Private Secretary to Culture Ministers and the Permanent Secretary, as Head of Logistics at DCMS at the time of the 2015 General Election and on secondment to English Heritage and to the National Museum Directors’ Council. Lizzie’s first love is heritage. She has a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology from Oxford, and an MA in History of Art from Birkbeck. In 2014 she was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.
Lizzie is a mum to two energetic girls and tries to keep up with her academic interest in Egyptian Revival in her spare time. Lizzie has published on Belzoni and the Egyptian Hall and on Cartier’s Egyptian Revival Jewellery in the Art Deco Period. She is a member of the Government’s Heritage Council, the Historic Environment Forum and the Canal and River Trust’s Cultural Heritage Advisory Group, and she has lectured at Oxford University on heritage.

James Potts
James Potts joined as a Trustee of the EES in 2021. He is a barrister at 3 Verulam Building chambers, specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration in London, the Middle East, the Far East, and the Caribbean. Having travelled widely in Egypt over several years, he joined the EES in 2016 and began studying ancient Egyptian language on the EES short courses. Inspired by this, he recently completed a part-time MA in Archaeology at Birkbeck, with his dissertation research focusing on trade networks and interactions between Middle Kingdom Egypt and the Horn of Africa.
James also holds a degree in English Literature from Oxford University and an MPhil in Eighteenth Century Studies from Cambridge University. He was twice a Hawthornden Fellow for creative writing. James has chaired the Society’s Development Committee since 2022, steering the future redevelopment of the EES London Office.
Online attendance
Register in advance for the meeting using the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you do not receive your email, then please check your junk folders before contacting the Egypt Exploration Society. Meetings have a limited attendance capacity, so please only sign up if you’re confident that you can attend. We recommend that you join our online events using a PC or laptop. You will have the opportunity to use your webcam and audio during the meeting if you wish, and guidance will be provided at the start of the meeting.
If this event becomes fully booked, please click the book now button to join the waiting list. We will email you if a place becomes available for this event, so you may reconfirm your interest in attending this AGM.
Please ensure that you have read our guide to attending EES online events before the event begins. This event will not be recorded.
Voting by Proxy
If you are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting, but unable to attend live, you may vote by proxy:
- Please complete all fields in the form available below – incomplete proxy forms will not be considered
- Fill in your own name and address
- Decide whom you wish to be your proxy. If you wish to appoint someone other than the Chair of the Meeting, delete the words in italics and insert the name and address of the proxy of your choice,
- Decide whether you wish to direct your proxy to vote as he/she thinks fit, or whether you wish to direct him/her to vote as you instruct.
- Complete the proxy voting form below and return it to: The Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London WC1N 2PG, or [email protected], by 16:00 on Thursday 28th November 2024. Any proxy voting forms received after this time will be invalid and will not be effective in appointing a proxy.