In celebrating 140 years of Bolton Museum and its ancient Egyptian collection, Bolton Library and Museum Services are hosting its first study day, duplicated by popular demand, to delve deeper into the collections guided by expert Egyptologists.

The first Bolton's Egypt study day AlI About Mummification, duplicated by popular demand, focuses on two key strengths of the collection: mummification and burial textiles, featuring the work of the University of York's Mummy Research Group. Co-founded by Dr Stephen Buckley and Prof Joann Fletcher who have been researching aspects of the Bolton collection with their colleagues for over 35 years, their discoveries include the world's oldest ever evidence for Egyptian mummification based on the analysis of textiles in Bolton's collection and the likely royal lineage of the Unknown Man, a male mummy housed within the Thutmose 111 burial chamber gallery.
Yet our Bolton Study Day not only looks at the importance of Bolton's Egyptian collection, its unique blend of workshops provides the opportunity to get up close and learn at first hand.
In-person at Bolton Museum Shop, 1st Floor, Le Mans Crescent, BL1 1SE
Telephone 01204 332211