Egyptian Art in the Late Period

Join Jen Turner to discover the fusion of Egyptian religion and material culture with external influences between c. 664-332 BCE. Start time - 18:00 (UK) / 20:00 (Egypt)

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Recordings will be made available for those unable to attend the live sessions!

The Late Period in ancient Egypt (c. 664-332 BCE) is an incredibly important phase of pharaonic history in which foreign kings continue to rule over the land, though this was not consistent or stable. Their cultural beliefs and ideas resulted in a fusion of Egyptian religion and material culture with external influences, with plenty of examples of a conscious harkening back to the glorious Egyptian past. The early phases of the Late Period included a renaissance of Egyptian art, with famous examples of high-quality sculpture and reflections of artistic expertise in metalworking. This course will explore key evidence of artistic traditions and innovations from the Late Period to illustrate the ways in which Egyptian culture was enhanced, embraced, and adapted.

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No prior knowledge of Egyptian history is required, as the initial session will provide a brief overview of the period, but focus will remain on one time period. The course will be of interest to those who enjoy Egyptian history, art and material culture, but also anyone who is looking to gain further knowledge on this particular time period.

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Course Outline

Please note that main content will be delivered between 18:00-19:30, though some optional participation (quizzes, Q&A, etc.) may continue beyond that time. 

Thursday 25 January 2024, 18:00-19:30 (UK time)
Week One - The Late Period: A Quick History
From the complicated Third Intermediate Period which included foreign rule of Egypt to the arrival of Alexander the Great, this session will introduce the Late period and cover the basics, including key kings and historical themes.

Thursday 1 February 2024, 18:00-19:30 (UK time)
Week Two - Monuments for Eternity
This week we’ll consider surviving structures like temples and royal palaces from the Late Period and how kings of this time are constructing, enhancing, or even destroying these buildings.

Thursday 8 February 2024, 18:00-19:30 (UK time)
Week Three - Gods, Kings and Men
This week we’ll take a look at the surviving monuments to explore what artistic themes of the past are being adopted, and what new trends help to shed light on the social and political situations of the time.

Thursday 15 February 2024, 18:00-19:30 (UK time)
Week Four - Preparing for the Afterlife
What’s changed in the tomb during the Late Period? This session will look at examples of surviving tombs for insights into tomb decoration, funerary objects and wider religious practices that include interactions with the sacred animal necropolises at sites like Saqqara. 

Thursday 22 February 2024, 18:00-19:30 (UK time)
Week Five - Cultural Exchanges and Outside Influences
For our final session, we’ll consider evidence of external influences and interactions with the outside world including Greece and Persia, and what surviving art from sites like Naukratis tell us about this period.

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Booking and information

Register for your place in advance using the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about your booking. Links for joining the event will be sent by email closer to the start date. If you do not receive your email, then please check your junk folders before contacting the Egypt Exploration Society. The course will be held on our Zoom platform and attendees will be able to interact by asking questions, using the chat and polls. It is not necessary to have a working webcam or microphone for this course. The online course will be complemented by Google Drive, where resources will be uploaded.

Please ensure that you have read our guide to attending EES online events before the course begins.


Jen  Turner

Jen Turner

Griffith Institute at the University of Oxford

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