Conference Free Hybrid in Cairo

Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day One

Hybrid conference in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, bringing together researchers working in the Egyptian Delta. Start time - 07:00 (UK) / 09:00 (Egypt)

The Delta Survey Conference and Workshop is a biannual event bringing together researchers working in the Egyptian Delta. 

We are pleased to announce that the Ninth Delta Survey Conference will be held at the British Council in Cairo from 10th-12th April 2025, as a collaboration between the Egypt Exploration Society and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.


We are grateful for the support and collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the British Academy through the Delta Survey Special Project of the Egypt Exploration Society for supporting the Conference and Workshops.

Elena DCS9.jpg

Photo by Elena Tiribilli

Preliminary Schedule and Abstracts

This conference will be held over two days, and each day must be registered separately. Please visit the event page to register for Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day Two

Live translation will be available during the event (English-Arabic / Arabic-English) online via Zoom by Nouran Ibrahim and colleagues. This can be selected using the options on your screen during the event.

Please note that the main content is subject to change and will be delivered between 09:00-17:00, and all advertised times are Egyptian (EET/UTC+2). Please contact [email protected] for any questions regarding the schedule.

Day one – Thursday 10 April 2025

08:00 – Conference opens and registration

09:00-09:30 – Welcome

Dr Essam Nagy (Egypt Exploration Society)
Mr Mark Howard (Director of the British Council)
Dr Mohamed Ismail (Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities)

Mr Mohamed Abd el Badie (Head of Egyptian and Greco-Roman Antiquities Sector)
Mr Qutb Fawzy (Undersecretary for Lower Egypt)
Penny Wilson (Director of the EES Delta Survey Project)

09:45-11:05 – Chair: Professor Ayman Wahby

09:45-10:05 – Hannah Pethen, Delta Survey Online: Creating an online web-map of the Egypt Exploration Society's Delta Survey data
10:05-10:25 – Henning Franzmeier, Two Palaces at Qantir-Piramesses: links to Memphis and Malqata?
10:25-10:45 – Victoria Yarmolovich, The New Kingdom pottery from Qantir-Pi-Ramesses: issues of dating and interpretation
10.45-11.05 – Aiman Ashmawy, The recent discoveries at Tell el-Yahudiya, seasons 2023-2024: Excavations at the second rock cut cemetery

11:05-11:35 – Break

11:35-12:30 – Chair: Professor Ayman Wahby

11:35-11:55 – Hesham Hussein, Tell Abu Seifi: New Discoveries and Reassessing Its Role on Egypt’s Eastern Frontier
11:55-12:15 – Mustafa Nureldin, Nabatean Inscriptions and Petroglyphs from El-Horabit, Southwestern Sinai
12:15-12:30 – Clara Jeuthe, Buto in the Old Kingdom

13:30-13:45 – Discussion

12:45-14:00 – Lunch

14:00-15:10 – Chair: Dr Eva Lange-Athinodorou

14:00-14:20 – Joanna Debowska-Ludwin, The cemeteries of Tell el-Farkha - recent updates
14:20-14:50 – Mariusz Jucha, Grzegorz Bąk-Pryc, Natalia Małecka-Drozd, Magdalena Kazimierczak , Natalia Puschhaus, Katarzyna Lajs-Klose, Karolina Lapeta & Konrad Grzyb, Tell el-Murra - the latest research results from the cemetery and settlement of the 4th/3rd millennium BC in the eastern part of the Nile Delta
14:50-15:10 – Elsayed Eltalhawy, Distribution of the Pottery Coffins and its belongings of the Ceramic Vessels within the Pre-Dynastic and Early Dynastic Graves from Kom el Khilgan Cemetery

15:10-15:30 – Break

15:30-16:50 – Chair: Dr Eva Lange-Athinodorou

15:30-15:50 – Fredéric Payraudeau, Tanis 2024. Current work on the Tell San el-Hagar
15:50-16:10 – Amr Abdel Raouf, Elhamy Tarabees, Osman Badran, Penelope Wilson, Ramy Ghoneim, Mohamed A. Hakim, Combining Multiple Geophysical Approaches to Image Archaeological Ruins at Tell Barnugi, Behiera Governorate., Egypt.
16:10-16:30 – Abdelrahman Medhat, A Testimony of Hydraulic Constructions in Tell Timai
16:30-16:50 (Online) – H Eltablawy and Hossam Hegazy, Kom Al-Ahmar (Menouf): An Archaeological Window into the Nile Delta's Past

16:50-17:10 – Discussion

17:10-17:50 – Chair: Dr Eva Lange-Athinodorou

17:10-17:30 (Online) – Manfred Bietak, The Transition of the Cult of the Near Eastern Storm God from the Hyksos Rule to the 18th Dynasty: New Results in the Study of the Development of the Sacred Precinct at Tell el-Dab‘a/Avaris
17:30-17:50 (Online) – Aurélia Berghoff-Masson, The Western Nile Delta: ARCE fieldwork in the region of Kom Firin and Naukratis (1977–1983) revisited

17:50-18:00 – Closing remarks

Day two – Friday 11 April 2025

Please visit the event page to register for Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day Two

Day three – Saturday 12 April 2025

Walking Tour of the North Cemetery, City of the Dead starting at 10:00. Please see the abstract booklet for more information.


The British Council
192 Sharia el-Nil, Agouza

This event will be livestreamed online via Zoom for those unable to join us in Cairo. 

Booking and information

Register for your place in advance using the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about your booking. If you do not receive your email, then please check your junk folders before contacting the Egypt Exploration SocietyYou can now view and manage your bookings here.

The venue and Zoom webinars have a limited attendance capacity, so please only sign up if you’re confident that you can attend. If this event does become sold out, please click the register button to join the waiting list. We will email you if a place becomes available for this event, so you may reconfirm your interest in attending this conference.

We recommend that you join our online events using a PC or laptop. The event will be held on our Zoom platform and attendees will be able to interact by asking questions, using the chat and polls. It is not necessary to have a working webcam or microphone for this conference. This event will not be recorded.

Please ensure that you have read our guide to attending EES online events before the event begins.