Conference Free Hybrid in Cairo

Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day Two

Hybrid conference in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, bringing together researchers working in the Egyptian Delta. Start time - 07:00 (UK) / 09:00 (Egypt)

The Delta Survey Conference and Workshop is a biannual event bringing together researchers working in the Egyptian Delta. 

We are pleased to announce that the Ninth Delta Survey Conference will be held at the British Council in Cairo from 10th-12th April 2025, as a collaboration between the Egypt Exploration Society and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.


We are grateful for the support and collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the British Academy through the Delta Survey Special Project of the Egypt Exploration Society for supporting the Conference and Workshops.

Elena DCS9.jpg

Photo by Elena Tiribilli

Preliminary Schedule and Abstracts

This conference will be held over two days, and each day must be registered separately. Please visit the event page to register for Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day One

Live translation will be available during the event (English-Arabic / Arabic-English) online via Zoom by Nouran Ibrahim and colleagues. This can be selected using the options on your screen during the event.

Please note that the main content is subject to change and will be delivered between 08:30-17:15, and all advertised times are Egyptian (EET/UTC+2).

Day one – Thursday 10 April 2025

Please visit the event page to register for Ninth Delta Survey Conference Day One

Day two – Friday 11 April 2025

08:00 – Conference opens

08:30-09:40 – Chair: Dr Joanne Rowland

8:30-8:50 – Patricia Rifa Abou el Nil, A primary deposit of Terracotta roof tiles in Alexandria
8:50-9:10 – Sylvian Dhennin, Aurore Bertrand, Mélie Le Roy, Paul Picavet, Aude Simony, Architecture and burial practices in the necropolis of Terenuthis/Kom Abu Bello
9:10-9:30 – Mostafa Rezk Ibrahim, Kom Abu Billo Excavations 2023-2024
9:30-9:40 – Aude Simony, Kom Bahig: Latest Results and New Perspectives on a site from the Southern part of the Mareotic Region

09:40-09:50 – Discussion

09:50-10:20 – Break

10:20-11:30 – Chair: Dr Joanne Rowland

10:20-10:30 – So Hasegawa, Excavations at Kom al-Diba’ at the Lake Idku waterfront, Buhaira
10:30-10:50 – Mahmoud Arab, Hossam Ghoneim, Discovery of the largest astronomical observatory from the sixth century BC in the temple of the city of Buto
10:50-11:10 – Ahmed El-Kharadly & Zainab Mohamed Ali Yahya, Archaeological Finds from Southernwest Corner of the Fortress of Tell-Abqa'in 2023-2024 AD
11:10-11:30 – Magda Mohamed Ibrahim, Ptolemaic perfume vases from newly discovered cemeteries in Alexandria, Egypt

11:40-12:00 – Discussion

12:00-13:30 – Lunch, Prayer

13:30-14:50 – Chair: Dr Penny Wilson

13:30-13:50 – Cristina Mondin, The Reuse of Late Roman Containers at Kom al-Ahmer (Western Delta)
13:50-14:10 – Jay Silverstein, Times of Turmoil: Archaeological evidence of Temple destruction in North Timai from the 29th Dynasty to Ptolemy V and their correlates with historical sources
14:10-14:30 – Patrice Georges-Zimmerman, Loic Mazou, Pascale Ballet (read by Aude Simony), Understanding the ancient city of Buto by its boundaries (Graeco-Roman period): results and new issues.
14:30-14:50 – Mohga abd del Kawy, Port Said Site: A Case Study of Water Management in Ancient Alexandria

14:50-15:00 – Discussion

15:00-15:30 – Break

15:30-16:50 – Chair: Dr Penny Wilson

15:30-15:50 – Warda Elnagar, Pot Bellows and Metal Production in Tell Dafana
15:50-16:10 – Moustafa Hassan Nour, A new archaeological discovery at Rod Iskandar site, Ismailia: the tomb of a military commander from New Kingdom
16:10-16:30 – El Sayed Fathi Al-Talhawi, Hanan Abdel Hakim Ismail, Bes Vessels from the Late Period: An Archaeological Study of Recent Discoveries at Tell Tebilla
16:30-16:50 – Mohamed Abd el-Maksoud & Sayed Abd el-Alim, Tell Heboua (Tharw) during the Middle Kingdom and late Second Intermediate Period in light of recent excavations

16:50-17:15 – Discussion and closing remarks

Day three – Saturday 12 April 2025

Walking Tour of the North Cemetery, City of the Dead starting at 10:00. Please see the abstract booklet for more information.


The British Council
192 Sharia el-Nil, Agouza

This event will be livestreamed online via Zoom for those unable to join us in Cairo. 

Booking and information

Register for your place in advance using the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about your booking. If you do not receive your email, then please check your junk folders before contacting the Egypt Exploration SocietyYou can now view and manage your bookings here.

The venue and Zoom webinars have a limited attendance capacity, so please only sign up if you’re confident that you can attend. If this event does become sold out, please click the register button to join the waiting list. We will email you if a place becomes available for this event, so you may reconfirm your interest in attending this conference.

We recommend that you join our online events using a PC or laptop. The event will be held on our Zoom platform and attendees will be able to interact by asking questions, using the chat and polls. It is not necessary to have a working webcam or microphone for this conference. This event will not be recorded.

Please ensure that you have read our guide to attending EES online events before the event begins.